STET Talk:
Results-Driven Networking in 2024
June 26 @ 9 am PT/12:00 p.m ET.
Join us June 26 with Linda Ruggeri and Brittany Dowdle for “Results-Driven Networking in 2024.” In this STET Talk, we’ll take the intimidation factor out of networking and show that building the network you need and want is completely within your power.
We’ll discuss:
What is—and isn’t—networking?
How am I positioning myself?
What kind of network do I need?
What can I do to build the network I need?
Come spend an hour with Linda and Brittany and let’s start building your ideal network. All “verts” (introverts, ambiverts, and extroverts) are welcome! This free event, hosted by Cyndi Sandusky and Sheryl Holmberg, will take place June 26, 2024, at noon (ET). Bring your questions, and we’ll see you there!
To join the event, just use this Zoom link.

TNS Experts Connect: 2024 Q2 Goals and Mindset for Editors
May 30, 2024 @ 9 am PT/12:00 p.m ET.
This meeting is for editors in The Networking Studio Circle Community.
Our discussion will be about taking a pause, looking back to Q1, Q2, and forward to Q3 to make sure we are staying on track, or getting back on track, to where we want our businesses to be, and what we need to do to get there (and who can help us).
Participants will be asked questions to share or "just ponder" during the meeting. This is an interactive and safe space, intended to support freelance editors in reaching their quarterly goals. A recording of the meeting will be sent to all participants who register, as well as downloadable worksheets can help you prepare for the meeting.

Taller #1: Diseñando el esquema de tu libro con Linda Ruggeri
May 9, 2024 @ 14hs PT/18hs Argentina.
Te invitamos a participar de nuestro taller de escritura, guiado por autora y editora Linda Ruggeri. Este es un encuentro práctico en donde conversaremos sobre cómo organizar y diseñar el esquema de tu libro.
En un ida y vuelta conversaremos sobre cada una de las partes integrantes del libro, qué tener en cuenta al diseñar cada una de ellas, qué no debemos olvidar de incluir y otros secretos que seguro van a ser de utilidad en tu proceso de escritura.
Si te interesa la temática, registrate con 3VC aquí http://bit.ly/43W9Eti y te enviaremos un mensaje privado con toda la info para que puedas sumarte a este evento.
¡Te esperamos!

Finding Success: Where Networking and Volunteering Meet (ASPC_
Saturday, April 27 at Georgia State University, Perimeter College for the Atlanta Self-Publishing Conference (ASPC)
As we continue having fun and visiting the country on our editor->indie-author->author-publisher journey, Brittany Dowdle and I will be presenting in person at the Atlanta Self-Publishing Conference (ASPC).
One of the perks of being freelance editors and indie-authors is that we know how to find the right people writers and authors need in their networks to successfully launch, and sustain, their book projects.
The conference is an all-day event, and the ticket includes a great lunch (with vegan and gluten-free options!) We would love to see you there!
To find out more and to get your ticket, visit: https://www.atlantaselfpublishingconference.
@AtlantaWriters Club

Pre-Conference Planning with the Professional Publishers Network (PPN)
April 18 2024 (virtual)
Practical tips to help you get the most out of your PPN Conference 2024 experience! Haven’t registered for the conference? There’s still time!
Can’t make it to the conference? That’s okay, you’ll still get lots out of this session for other conferences and networking opportunities.
When: April 18, 2024, 5:00 p.m. (Pacific time)
Where: On Zoom!
Who: Brittany Dowdle and Linda Ruggeri of The Networking Studio (and authors of Networking for Freelance Editors)
You must register to attend.
Freelancing Success: Where Networking and Volunteering Meet (ACES 2024)

April 6, 2014 - 11am San Diego
Volunteering plays a key role in the success and professional development of many freelance editors, helping them develop beneficial relationships, overcome imposter syndrome, and attract the kinds of clients and projects they seek.
Meet freelance editors Kellie M. Hultgren, Pamela Hines, and Marcella Lopez. They will share their extensive experience with volunteering and who will explain how it can fit into your approach to networking and career building.
This panel will inspire editors to build their networks through volunteering, while they contribute to causes and organizations that align with their values and interests.
Join us to learn how to make volunteering work for you!
Authors as Editors:
Behind the Scenes of Publishing Your Own Work
This is a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the experiences of editors who are successfully published authors. Participants will leave encouraged—and with enough information to get started on their own publishing journey.
Panelists: Brittany Dowdle, Katherine Pickett, Ebonye Gussine Wilkens (and/or Tenesha Curtis)
At the end of this presentation, you will be able to:
Understand the opportunity editors have in writing and publishing their work (fiction or nonfiction)
What the process is like (both traditional and indie track)
How being a published author fits into an editing business/career
How “editors as authors” can contribute to a more meaningfully inclusive publishing landscape
Register at www.womeninpublishingsummit.com

A Kitchen Lingo Books private event
Tuesday, August 29 at 6:30 p.m. Please join Kitchen Lingo Books as they welcome cookbook author Natasha MacAller (Vanilla Table, Spice Health Heroes, The Taipa Salt Pig-The Recipes), and cookbook editor, Linda Ruggeri (Modernist Pizza, La Cocina Casera Mexicana), as they discuss the do’s and don’ts of writing a cookbook, from coming up with an original idea and putting it into a proposal, to writing, testing, photographing, and selling the finished manuscript.
You’ll be able to ask questions and meet other people interested in writing cookbooks. Signed copies of Natasha’s books will be available for purchase and personalization.
In order to make this a personal experience, there will be only fifteen seats available. Book your tickets now from Kitchen Lingo Books (shop@kitchenlingobooks.com).
WHERE: Kitchen Lingo Books, 2116 E. 4th Street Long Beach, CA.
WHEN: Tuesday, August 29, 2023, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
This is a private event, purchasing tickets in advance is required, either in person at Kitchen Lingo, or by email: shop@kitchenlingobooks.com

EFA CON 2023
Thursday, Aug 17, 20235:30 PM Saturday, Aug 19, 20236:30 PM Westin Alexandria Old Town (map) Join us this August 17th at EFA CON 2023 in Alexandria, Virginia!
As an editor who values building relationships with other editors in different fields, I am excited to be presenting with Brittany Dowdle at EFACON 2023.
Conferences allow you to network with colleagues and develop professionally—a rare opportunity for solo entrepreneurs. EFA conferences have attracted more than 200 editorial freelancers from across North America and abroad. And you don’t have to be a member to attend!
Keynote speakers this year are: Dr. Cathy Hannaback, Cecilia Tan, and Ran Walker.
Let us know if you’ll be attending so we can meet you there!