Previously on this blog, I posted the first and second installments of "What It's Like to Write a Memoir." The original posts were written for Writers In The Storm and have since been updated. Today comes Part 3, "What It's Like to Write a Memoir: Different Ways To Revise Our Work." (In case you missed it, here’s Part 1 and here's Part 2.)
Somewhere along your memoir writing path, you probably asked yourself
“Why am I writing this?”
As an editor, I like to rephrase that question with:
What is your my goal in writing this?
What are you hoping to accomplish?
Who is this really for?
Knowing your “Why?” is key to discovering if you’re accomplishing your goal when you start revising your work. The answer to that question (which you should tape to the bottom of your screen) becomes the “bar” you return to again and again during the revision process, when other questions come up, such as Does this part make sense? or Do I really need this story?
Once you know your purpose and have that guideline, then you can move on to developing a revision checklist and a schedule. Below is what I use, and by no means is it exhaustive or exclusive but it’s a roadmap of what you can do to make the process easier. Feel free to add your own revision pit stops as you work and new things come to mind.
Organize Your Revision
Set a revision schedule. Establish a block of time to revise your manuscript every day. Long blocks of time might actually not be productive. Be realistic about your attention span and plan accordingly. I like working into the late-night hours, but I also know from experience that my end-of-day work is going to have more errors in it, so I can’t do long hours after dinner for example.
Avoid revising your manuscript by reading it from beginning to end. Instead, pick an item from your revision checklist and review that one item only throughout the whole work. (I.e. Do a pass where you revise for overused words only).
Set up lifelines. Let a few trusted friends know you’re starting your revision work and that you might need to reach out to them to vent, ask questions, and help you make decisions. And do that when the going gets tough. Talking with a trusted friend or colleague when you fall into manuscript quicksand can be uplifting and enlightening and will keep you moving forward with your work.
Choose beta readers (not friends and family) or writing groups where you can read your work and get objective feedback and send them your manuscript once you’re done revising.
Consider if your manuscript will need a sensitivity read, a copyedit, or a proofread down the line and start evaluating the cost and options.
Once you know your purpose and have that guideline, then you can move on to developing a revision checklist and a schedule. Below is what I use, and by no means is it exhaustive or exclusive but it’s a roadmap of what you can do to make the process easier. Feel free to add your own revision pit stops as you work and new things come to mind.
10-Point Revision Checklist (for a Successful Memoir Writing Experience)
Once you’ve addressed the organizational part of the revision, then it’s time to turn on the magnifying glass and discover the parts that aren’t helping our work or moving our story forward. Each one of these items on the list should be done as a separate manuscript pass. I don’t recommend doing them together because each one needs your full attention and focusing just on one item at a time is actually a more efficient way of revising and going through your work than trying to do them all at once with a read.
Start with these below and don’t forget to save each pass with an updated version name.
Is anything in my manuscript untrue? If so, then remove it.
Am I unsure about the truth of any event/person/situation that I’ve written about? If so, can I fact-check it? If not, can I alert the reader this is how “I remember it”?
Do I need permission to share any images, quotes, anecdotes, names, or stories? Make a list of the permissions I need and start getting them in writing. You just need to share the section of the manuscript that involves that person.
Are the themes of my memoir clear and identifiable?
Do I locate the reader in space and time at the beginning of every chapter?
Do I have a character arc? Am I a different person at the end of my story than I was at the beginning?
Can I replace overused words? Grammarly has a great tool for pointing this out, but you can also download this handy list I keep here.
Is my voice sincere? Will the reader trust me? (this will require reading sections/chapters at a time).
Have I spell-checked and proofread my work?
Where am I “telling” that I could be “showing”? Janice Hardy has a terrific book on this where she reminds us that “showing brings a scene to life.” Keywords she recommends looking out for that often indicate “telling” are:
In + emotion…
Could see…
The sound of…
Once you’ve completed your checklist, your manuscript should be pretty tight, error-free, and ready for another set of eyes. Sharing it with your beta readers or a writing group is an excellent way to get the honest feedback you need and will benefit from, as well as polish any areas you might have overlooked. In memoir specifically, revision is akin to a spiritual practice. Be kind to yourself, and to the feedback of others, and only take in what is useful to you.
Now it’s your turn. Are you revising your memoir? What has your experience been like? I’d love to hear what works best for you during the revision process.
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Linda Ruggeri is a nonfiction bilingual editor and writer based out of Los Angeles who specializes in memoirs, biographies, cookbooks, and Spanish translation reviews. She’s the author of Networking for Writers, and coauthored the award-winning book Networking for Freelance Editors: Practical Strategies for Networking Success with Brittany Dowdle.
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