why my clients recommend me
Excellent communication and organizational skills
Delivers on time, and on budget
Listens, addresses, and instructs with clarity
Expansive knowledge of history, geography, culinary arts, gardening, world culture and publishing
Has access to and shares resources (graphic designers, proofreaders, fact-checkers, indexers, translators)
Flexible, can and will work with your schedule
Always insightful, funny, creative, and encouraging
Committed to seeing your work all the way through!
Scott Dzumaryk (IG: dzu_eats)
Cookbook Author
To start, you have been fantastic!
I appreciate everything you've done for me, but probably what sticks out the most, is your consistent follow up to see how things are going, even with your busy schedule.
The fact that after you helped polish up my query and proposal, I finally had my first positive response from an agent shows me how valuable your work really has been.
Bruce Fehn, Ph.D.
Author of Lt. Fox's Resurrection
As a writer new to the historical fiction genre, Linda knew exactly what I needed. With loads of refined feedback, she showed me how to develop the central characters more fully within much more vivid contexts. She helped transform my first draft into a much more engaging historical novel. I have bragged about Linda’s skills to many others. I recommend her enthusiastically and without reservation.
Ty Sassman
Award-winning author of Just One Question: A Road Trip Memoir
Feeling stuck and slowly wending my way through a thorny book proposal, I reached out to Linda from a simple internet search. My expectations were low, but Linda more than delivered! Our sessions were creative, inspiring, and practical. She offered clear, straightforward advice and helped me see nuances in my project I overlooked.
Franky Everleigh
Art Director
Linda is more than an editor. She breathes life into my work from places I hadn’t even seen. “Insightful” doesn’t even begin to describe her. I like to tussle and we can go toe to toe, always ending with a bit of prose that is better than it was before. She balances the commerce of the writing world with the artistic demands of the craft in ways that are concise and uplifting. She’s grounded, knowledgeable, and thorough—never imposing her own voice. Her critiques are clear and powerful. We’re going to have a long relationship.
Shelli Owen
Author of the memoir Mountain Rescue: A True Story About Silence, Prayer, and Resurrection
Thank you for being a really great developmental editor, Linda, including helping me know that this was the kind of editing I needed. I realized that I had no idea of what kind of editing I needed, even after much research, until you were able to look at my project and enlighten me. Having gone through the process, now I can see you were right. Thank you for the graciousness you have shown me, a first-time writer, in my project—probably in ways I’m not even aware of, as well. You really have been an “insightful” editor.
Richard A. Heller
Author of Blueprints and From The Circle
An extraordinary writer, teacher, passionate and caring spirit, who brings all of her talents and education to every project. I have found her input essential to my creative soul.
Jo Haraf
Bay Area historical researcher & writer
Linda has been a valuable resource translating mid-1800s California Spanish licenses and contracts. Her rapid replies add richness and insight to my work-in-progress. She takes the time to explore small items of large relevance such as identifying the Spanish versions of English names.
Natalia Parra
Escritora de novelas románticas
Contraté a Linda para sesiones de coaching de escritura y no me arrepiento. Me dio valiosas herramientas para mi primer manuscrito como así también buenas ideas que me ayudaron a construir mejor la trama de mi novela romántica. Es responsable, simpática, puntual a la hora de las videollamadas, y explica todo con claridad y profesionalismo. Sin dudas, la contrataría nuevamente. ¡100% recomendable!
Petrea Burchard
Writer & voice actor. Author of The Wilma Dialogues
Linda Ruggeri’s advice on my fiction/humor manuscript was spot-on and thorough. She went over it with me in detail, pointing out what worked and what didn’t, and included suggestions for how to improve the story. I was especially impressed by her ability to see the broad picture, as well as the details and nuances. I highly recommend her as a content editor.
Carolyn Mason
Nonfiction author of the memoir Final Score: Love All and the children’s book Pistachio’s First Best Friend series
Linda was referred to me as an editor by a professional writing coach who believed in Linda’s insightful skills in working with a new author. Her questions about what I was not saying on the page made me dig deep to discover why I think as I do. It was like a spiritual colonic. Her questions, not just encouragement, were a true inspiration. She encouraged me to write a children’s book, which I published in four different languages. She took on much more than she had planned, with enthusiasm and professionalism. Linda taught me about managing book finances and contracts, sharing many of her resources for support. The best part was being able to discuss with her our differences in opinions to find the best answer for me.
Ed Kuehn
Nonfiction author of the historical memoir Stepping Into Rural Wisconsin and Ty, Golden Boy
As a debut author I thought my only options were to select someone from a commercial editing service. But I hire Linda as a freelance editor after seeing her resume. Linda approached editing my manuscript in a professional manner. When she felt something needed to be revised she was objective and explained her reasons for making those suggestions. What I liked most in the approach Linda took in editing is that she tutored me in how to improve my writing. What I most enjoyed about working with her is: 1) She is detailed and stands by her decisions, but was flexible in allowing me to present my case. 2) She is always available to answer questions or offer clarifications. 3) She was local when she became my editor but our working relationship hasn’t changed now that she is in another state. I would recommend Linda as an editor because she will respect you as a writer.
Spur Nelson
MG fiction writer Circus Babylon
I have had an extraordinary experience working with Linda on my Middle-Grade mystery series. This genre was not her specialty when we began working together, however she did the work to make it one, and by the time we were done she knew more about it than me. She is always available to talk or text, and through these conversations, I was able to better flesh out my character and novel as a whole. In addition, we worked together to make my (or our, as I now think of it) story as marketable as possible, as this was one of my goals. She is very committed and knowledgeable in all aspects of the literary field. I would very much recommend her editing services, that is until I finish my next novel and need her again.
Dr. Ricardo Stanton-Salazar
Academic editor and author of “A Social Capital Framework for the Study of Institutional Agents and of the Empowerment of Low-status Youth.”
I recently put my website through a makeover and asked Linda to edit my bios; the task was to integrate my career as a social scientist with my new life as an academic editor. Linda did an absolutely superb job; she impressed me with her insights into how to re-introduce myself to the world, her first-class editing skills, and her cheerful and kind personality. Today, she is the kind of editor I wish to emulate. Not only do I highly recommend her as a content editor, but she will also be the first editor I seek out when I again venture to write about my life and career.
Loni Meiborg
Senior Vice President of Marketing Fortifi Bank
Linda’s ability to uncover details, dig into the unknown, and connect all the pieces is uncanny. She is able to articulate, the seemingly indescribable, with ease and accuracy. Always the professional, Linda builds her relationships on trust and understanding.
Scott Zeinemann
General Manager Capital Newspapers
For the past two years I’ve worked with Linda to produce the Green Lake Country Visitor’s Guide. She has a great deal of enthusiasm and energy for the projects she works on and that has been very evident working on the Visitors Guide with her. She has very clear vision for the project and is able to articulate that vision clearly. This makes the production of the Guide a fairly straightforward and simple process.
Janet Long
Academic editor. Los Angeles chapter Coordinator for the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA).
Linda’s contributions to the EFA’s Los Angeles chapter have been invaluable. Her presentation on social media as a key marketing tool for professional editors was insightful and on target. Linda came well prepared and was able to carry on without blinking an eye when technical difficulties arose with the venue’s equipment. Her energy, dedication, and skills are exemplary.
Maria Alonzo
Eagle Eye Editing. Medical editor. Los Angeles chapter coordinator for the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA)
Linda was a guest speaker at an EFA LA chapter meeting. Her presentation using social media as a marketing tool was informative and well-received. She gave valuable information on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn and others to help you market your freelance business. Linda’s handouts gave tips on how to gain followers, suggested readings, and why it’s important to set up an editorial calendar. We will definitely tap her expertise for future presentations.